from a dream to reality...

01) How long does it take to make and ship?
There is usually a 2 week turn around
02) How do I get my wrist size?
For your wrist size take a string wrap it around your wrist without cutting off the blood flow than take the string to a ruler. After that add about 1/2 or 1 inch so it fit nicely. recommend 1 inch but people like it tighter.
03) Can you do a custom bracelet?
Yes, contact me on facebook at MMPR Creations page at
04) Can you make children sizes?
At the moment I am work to offer children sizes but not yet.
05) Do you ship over seas
At the moment we only ship with in the United States. Hopefully soon we will be able to ship over seas
06) What happens if my bracelet does not fit. Being to big or small, will you be able to resize it and how much will it cost?
Yes I can resize for any customer. It will cost $2.00 for resizing and $6.00 for shipping, a total of $8.00. The buyer will also have to pay the cost of shipping it back to us. Please make sure you double check the size you are getting.